The Art & Magic of Slowing Down

By Angie Cowen  |  Thoughts  |  Posted at 12:20 pm - December 1, 2015

The Art and Magic of Slowing Down

As I was sitting here pondering what to write in my final newsletter for 2015, I found myself thinking about what this year has meant to me and what I have learnt, rather than rabbiting on about how excited and proud I am that my beautiful book is finally here (which I seriously am). 

So, honestly: here’s what I got from 2015

We can learn from so many experiences in the space of a year, but one big lesson that stood out for me was in The Art and Magic of Slowing Down

Here’s what it looked like for me: I would wake early, do yoga, start working by 7am, start another project, fill in all breaks with phone calls and other work, go for a walk (on phone calls the whole time), keep working till 10pm then go to sleep. Repeat.

And if I’m being straight with you, I was proud of this level of productivity.

Now while there was actually nothing wrong with that way of operating, the problem was that I was so busy, I never had the time or space to deal with or acknowledge any upset or even triumph. I would just keep going with the next task and the next and the next.

I learnt that when I am so busy with doing I can easily distract myself from, well… myself. I had come to the point where just sitting still and not doing anything was an uncomfortable and almost impossible task.

I saw that there are numerous ways one can distract oneself from just being. From working (hands up), eating, shopping, cleaning, talking on the phone – you name it, we clever human beings can use it to distract ourselves from ourselves.

Now when we want to achieve something in life we know that attention must be paid and discipline brought to the party. So to ensure that I don’t stay busy all the time (which my personality so wants to be!), I needed to allocate time for walking on the beach with my feet in the water, or practicing a more gentle yoga. I needed to allow myself to dance softly and stay connected to my body throughout or (the hardest one initially) to stay sitting longer, taking in the beautiful surrounds, smelling nature and enjoying life as it moves past.

The benefits for my being in the magic of slow and still more often is that I have more energy, my immune system is stronger and I generally feel happier. And the beautiful thing is that I’m still being productive while relishing in the simple still moments that are now all throughout my day.

Life can be created to support each and every-one of us and it’s powerful to get that it’s up to us to choose how we want to live it.

I wish you all a most beautiful end of year and some really joyful, love-filled moments with your loved ones. Remember to take time and space between everything to allow yourself to just be with you. I have found it’s in the space of very little that the heart is able to fill and then give and receive even more.

Thank you for all your love and support this year. I could not have done 2015 without you and it really means so much to me.

With Love and In Health
Angie xx

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