It’s all made up…

By Angie Cowen  |  Thoughts  |  Posted at 5:42 pm - July 1, 2018

I need to be honest with you, since having my beautiful bubba, I lost my confidence for a while when it came to my professional life. Anyone relate to this?

Life became so full of sleeping schedules (sorry, what schedules?!), nappies, cute smiles then laughter (oh my goodness – when Noa first started laughing!), shower time, bath time and finding my feet as a mum.

For someone who prior to having a baby spent pretty much ALL her time catering retreats, driving to new locations, creating events, and thinking about sharing her love of food with the world, it was quite a shocking change (I think it’s a shock for most mammas to be fair, I mean we USED to sleep through the night!).

At first there was a stunning feeling of euphoria, having this deliciously tiny being to look after. It was something I’d dreamt of for a very long time and it was entirely blissful. But after a few months I noticed that I felt out of practice professionally and fear began to creep in that my days of running my beautiful business were numbered. Really. Thoughts like ‘my ship has sailed’ moved through my mind and I wholeheartedly believed them for a while.

Sitting back in my fear with a small baby to care for was hard, and sitting there watching all my amazing friends and colleagues kicking professional goals (while over the moon for them), just played into these insecurities even more.

Fear drove my mind space for a while, until I remembered something…

It’s all made up!

Yup, it’s all made up. Meaning, if I say my ship has sailed, then so be it; but if I say the best is yet to come, then so be that. And I say, the BEST is yet to come!

I laughed so hard on remembering that. Even with the hundreds of hours of personal development training I’ve done over the last 10 years, I still let that old chestnut drive from time to time.

And just like that, I watched myself switch back on.

I’m here to share my love of nourishment with the world, and to live a life of purpose. That’s what fulfils me. It’s what inspires me. Reminding yourself that it’s all made up is important when you are creating the life you want.

So next time life doesn’t go the way you plan: remember that the plan was made up anyway, so go make up a new one! It’s there to be created.

With so much love to you
Angie xx

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